Thursday 20 January 2011

The more graphic the better? - Interview with Mum

Question - What are your views on graphic public broadcast announcements? Should they be allowed?

Response - I'm all for it! I dont think they should be on in the day time because of little ones... it will frighten them. But i dont see the point in showing them if they arent graphic it's not going to get the message across is it? It does annoy me when people complain about drink drivers and people on drugs and things like that and yet when the government try to do something about it by showing advertisements they complain about that aswell! It's like they cant do right from wrong!

Question - So you would be ok with really graphic advertisements?

Response - Yeah. Providing they don't show them in the day time because of children.

From this i can consider making a PSA for adults quite violent because both my Mum and Dad say that they should be more graphic but not around children because they don't want them to be scared by it. They say that they should be showing more graphic ones in the late-evening for adults to watch.

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