Thursday, 20 January 2011

PRE-PRODUCTION + Final Ideas - Group Work

As a group we have all decided to create 2 30 second PSA's based on online safety. We are going to do one aimed at adults and one aimed at teenagers.

The idea is to make it clear that online safety is really important and if you don't take it seriously it could seriously affect your life. Also it is to make parents aware of what their children are up to online and teach them about it properly so that they don't end up ruining their lives at an early age when they don't understand the full extend of what they are doing.

30 Second clip for Adults (any gender, any age) NATHAN'S STORYBOARD - We're going to use children in this advert as the main focus so that the parents that are watching can relate to the broadcast and it should make them want to protect their children from what could be happening to them.
It's going to have a small amount of complication in it, such as the story being told backwards throughout the clip so that it takes a while for the audience to understand it but when they do it gives them that shock that we need them to have to take the broadcast seriously.
We are going to put some sad, relative music to the broadcast just to set the mood of it. There isn't going to be speech throughout the advert so that it leaves it to the public's imagination which can often be the most effective technique in PSA's. There will be implied speech, but you will not be able to hear their real voices.
 Because there is going to be a small child involved, everything will be exaggerated (mise-en-scene wise); to make the child look more vaulnerable. For example the child's clothes will be as suited as possible, and their setting (bedroom, etc) will be very child orientated.

A video that inspired our idea -

30 Second clip for teenagers (14-17 any gender) MY STORYBOARD - In this clip we are focusing on making quite simple but still using the shock tactic. To do this, we are introducing everyone's worst nightmare - paedophiles. The advert is going to have a bit to think about so it's going to make the audience try and piece the advert together but it's also quite simple. We are not actually going to make it 100% clear of what the girl in the clip had actually been doing, but we are going to make it obvious and make the audience use their head a bit. You would have to take notice of the clip to understand the meaning behind it. At the end to shock the public, we are introducing a paedophile to frighten the audience a bit and make them think twice before posting something they shouldn't be posting on the internet, or just to generally be careful of what they are letting everybody on the internet see.
We aren't sure on what music exactly we are using yet, but we dont think there is going to be any dialogue until right at the very end when the paedophile is introduced to the audience because this might make him have even more impact on the public.
It's going to be filmed around college so that teenagers can relate to it a bit better. Also, using college helps demonstrate how it can really affect your lifestyle because it can be related directly back to the audience as their school/college. Everybody involved in the clip is going to be dressed in normal teenage fashion just as you would find around college and act that way too.

A video that inspired our idea -

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