Friday, 21 January 2011

My Individual Storyboard

I got my individual ideas from the analysing PSA's in Wednesday's lessons with Katherine and researching on Youtube for videos to see what impact they gave me. After looking at all of the videos i came to the conclusion that the advert needs to be quite graphic but acceptable to avoid complaints. The less graphic adverts didn't have an effect on me and didn't really leave me thinking about how serious taking risks such as sending pictures around to people or talking to people who you don't really know and meeting them could be. Video links that have influenced my group's main ideas were the videos that influenced my idea too. They were the most impacting, creepy ones and they were the ones that gave the better effect.

Description of my storyboard -

A teenage girl (person A) is on her way to college in her mum's car just like a normal day. She pulls up to college and notices a random college student (person B) wondering around with an image of person A (the image is representing a photograph that the girl had been sending around on the internet to males). Person A runs over to person B and asks where person B got the image from. Before person B looks confused and before they answer the question person A has noticed another image of her on the wall ahead. Person A runs over to it and tries to remove it. It peels off with ease like a piece of paper stuck a wall but when she looks back up it had re-appeared. The message here is that no matter how much you try and get rid of the image, once it is on the internet it stays on there because it is always retrieveable from somewhere. Person A panics and runs into college where the images are everywhere (on walls, doors etc) and other college students are talking about her to eachother, pointing and whispering. Person A makes her way to her lesson and she tries to take them down off the walls along the way and begins to get scared. She thought that going to her lesson would calm everything down and the teachers would protect her but when she walks into lesson (late) the teacher is busy pointing at the photo of her on the Smart Board. This is to symbolise that he has infact seen the image, so it is getting into the hands of adults. Person A runs back out of the classroom and nearly makes it out of college but she bumps into the cleaner who is looking like a 60 year old male. All around him darkens and he looks very creepy. The image of her is on his body symbolising that he has got hold of the image through the internet. He winks, and slowly walks away. He fades out and text comes up with the message of the advert and saying where to get help, websides, telephone numbers etc.

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