Thursday, 20 January 2011

Media Coursework - 'The Cow Advert' Primary Research (INTERVIEW)

I asked my Dad questions after watching the advert based on what he thought about it and what he found effective. I chose this advert because it was banned from television after being described as "too graphic" and "inapropriate".

Question 1 - In one word, how do you feel right now after watching this?
Response 1 - Shocked. I heard that advert was quite a bad one.
Question 2 - Which parts do you think are most effective?
Response 2 - Probably the fact that it actually shows the car accident and doesn't cut it like they normally do in adverts. Also, the fact that the girl in the back thinks that she is alive and fine and then a car comes and crashes into her side too. I think that it's good that they show briefly what happens after the crash too with her getting airlifted and the look on her face when it's all happened. They should do that more often to get the reality across. If people could see what really happens it might make people think twice.
Question 3 - So do you think that these broadcasts aren't as effective as they could be?
Response 3 - No way! They could really be effective if they just showed footage of what really happens. People should be exposed to stuff like that to get the full understanding. The adverts on television at the moment - even the ones that get complaints - are pathetic compared to real life situations. I understand that some aren't suitable for children but they could show them later on at night when children are supposed to be in bed and adults are still awake. Its not like children can drive anyway so it’s not going to affect them by not watching it.
Question 4 - So what sorts of things would you like to see in public service broadcasts that isn't already in them?
Response 4 - Well just making sure that real footage appears in all of them. Stop wrapping the situation up in cotton wool and let people see those serious situations for what they are. The idea is to make people aware, but it's not is it? It's showing them a fraction of what really happens.
Question 5 - What sort of topic -if you could choose- would you choose to do a PSA  based on if you could do it as graphic as 'The cow advert'?
Response 5 - The effects of drug taking. Adverts make them look not all that serious. Of course everyone is going to say they are marvellous and fun but it doesn't show long term effects. All they do is go on about the biological effects like in that advert... what was it? Talk to Frank? With all of the different effects of Cannabis. Everyone knows that by now - especially if you’re smoking it. It's like people smoking cigarettes, everyone knows the biological effects but loads of people are still smoking! They need to make them more graphic about lives being ruined through it - and that’s not necessarily the drug-taker's life. Prison sentences for not even being the main guy behind all their drug runs and stuff. It's so easy to get lost into that kind of life and yet drug using is still happening everywhere when to me; it's just as serious as texting when driving. It still kills you, and you can be held responsible for killing others but the difference is young adults and adults drive and everyone can take drugs... but doesn't that tell you something? What the law considers as 'children' are taking drugs these days too with no idea what it could do to their lives. 

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